
Pronounced: One-Pon-say-day-lay-on

I once said

"Sera esta la tierra donde puedo encontrar la Fuente De La Juventud."
Is this the land where I can find the fountain of youth?


Please do not be offended by the writings in this blog because it is written in Juan Ponce de Leon's POV and it may insult some races but this is mainly to stick to his original perspectives and goals.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Gov. of Puerto Rico.

Dear Diary,
Guess What!
I am now the governor of Puerto Rico! King Ferdinand of Spain decided to award my great works for the success in Puerto Rico.Well, maybe part of the reason is that I went to explore Puerto Rico while I was being the dep. gov. of Hispaniola and then I came back with discoveries of gold and chances of expansion.
Apparently, people under my control like my peaceful methods as not many rulers are non-violent when ruling.


  1. Are you not aware that your "so-called" nonviolent methods still encompassed the enslavement of the local people and it also included a massive spread of disease such as measles and smallpox?

  2. Yes, but aren't you aware that the only way then t colonise massive populations and to make them listen is to enslave them and Juan is already a pretty peaceful governor?
