
Pronounced: One-Pon-say-day-lay-on

I once said

"Sera esta la tierra donde puedo encontrar la Fuente De La Juventud."
Is this the land where I can find the fountain of youth?


Please do not be offended by the writings in this blog because it is written in Juan Ponce de Leon's POV and it may insult some races but this is mainly to stick to his original perspectives and goals.

Monday, December 28, 2015

Voyage Map

Here is my map of my New world Voyage Routes:


  1. You know, you weren't the first to travel the seas and the word "discovering" Florida is not true since there were always people living there, and you were not such a responsible governor in my opinion since you left Puerto Rico to explore.

    1. And not to mention, when you came back, the place was in chaos with your fellow Spaniards brutally murdered and your family barely escaping the hands of death. Even your house was left in ruins.

  2. But you DO know that he was not the governor of Puerto Rico when he was off exploring Florida, you know. His title was removed and power taken when Columbus's son contended for power. So technically, it wasn't his fault.

    1. fine.fine.fine. whatever you say, I just feel that he wasn't that responsible and was always running off for gold and wealth and left previous colonies and family unattended.

  3. Sidenote: this burning and killing was done by the Caribs, which was a neighbouring tribe.
